Setiap hari Selasa malam, Faye akan ke Wangsa Maju untuk hantar Star ke kelas Mandarin.

Tiap kali ke sana mesti lalu satu kedai ni, meriah ya walaupun dah malam. Meriah dia kat dalam la tapi. Macam rupa Jusco dah keadaan di sebalik pintu kaca kedai tu. Tak ada apapa banner pun kat area pintu kedai tu, sekali sekala ada few people gather borak-borak, sambil pakai blazer. Staff dia kut.

Sejak bulan January ya Faye lalu kedai tu, selalu juga la pandang ke kanan bila drive jalan tu. Malam kan, kedai tu ja terang benderang. Pintu tak besar pun, macam pintu pejabat pos ja.

Tapi sejak akhir-akhir ni macam ada satu aura yang makes me wanna look directly through the glass door, and all I see is the shelf written ‘Nutrilite’. 

Dalam hati terfikir, kenapa macam memanggil ja pintu kedai tu yeh? Should I step in there?

On the 4th week of September, my mind macam can’t stop thinking about the shop. Adakah ini suatu hidayah? Should I try to do something with this brand?

Balik ja terus buka sosial media, search this brand. Most of the content were about ‘jana pendapatan pasif’ & ‘pencen’. Almost 3 hari juga la dok study brand ni. Nampak menarik.

Found few people that Faye rasa boleh guide me to the top. Susah ya nak pilih, semua hebat-hebat!

Shortlisted these names for me to choose:
Nadia Ruslee
Kak Manjer
Karthigah Saker

But in the end, Faye needs to choose one. I’m sorry 😓


Back to the barangs Faye ushar lama dah. Tak sangka rupanya item pertama ni is part of the brand. Why buy outside when you can buy here kan?

Antara item yang catches my eyes are the iron Philip mahal tu. Idaman setiap suri rumah kan. Teringin sangat tapi ribu ya harganya.

Deodorant brand ni pula husband dah banyak kali suruh Faye try, kawan dia recommend. Tapi sampai ke sudah Faye declined, ego kan. Hahaha

Lagi satu is the lotion, sebab Leia tengah dalam recovery from her Children Herpes Type I. Her tiny bumps due to rashes hari tu masih ada, and I want her soft baby skin back. 


If you wonder, the brand mingling thru my mind is actually “Amway“.

The registration fee is quite reasonable, tho. Masih ada budget to fork out for this. 

So, why not kan? Let’s give it a try lah!


Jangan terkejut.


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